Akshay Kumar and Himesh Reshammiya have collaborated as actor and music composer in the past, and they have an enviable repertoire in the music arena. With Khiladi 786, they have joined hands as producers along with Sunil Lulla.
Akshay, who is all praise for his co-producer, composer, singer and writer Himesh, says, "Himesh spends every waking hour putting all his energy into what needs to be done. His success comes from his ability to focus beyond the capacity of most others."
Says Himesh, "It has been a great experience producing this movie with Akshay. With the music becoming a rage, I am very confident of the movie doing well too."
Sunil Lulla is buoyed up by the team he is collaborating with. Says he, "Akshay has had a good year so far. Himesh too is on a musical high. The three of us have given hits before, so we're positive about Khiladi 786. We're opening wide and we're positive about our release strategy."
Khiladi 786, produced by Eros International, Hari Om Entertainment and HR Musik, releases December 7.
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